Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Art Advocacy 'Fab Four' - January 22-25, 2019

It's a short week (and even shorter because I'm posting this a day late), but anyhow, here's 4 great ideas that, if you want, you can use to move you closer to Youth Art Month!
Create a virtual art gallery for your school website.
Love the work of George Rodrigue and his "Blue Dog"?  Take a trip to New Orleans via Google and step foot in his gallery on Royal Street.  For elementary students, read Why is Blue Dog Blue? and create some mini Blue Dogs for the local humane society. 
Create a Photo Story of a collection of work by an artist.  Include some biographical material, title slides, and music.  Display on your school webpage. 
Can't get to a museum?  Build a "Gallery Walk" - 5 famous works of art and gallery tags.  Challenge students to visit the gallery, observe quietly and write a "Twitter" style short critique/statement on Post-it notes as they choose their favorite work.  Post the notes and use different color Post-its for classes or grades.  Do an informal poll to see what the top artwork is and announce to the school (best at the elementary level).  A great way to teach gallery manners too!  Added idea: have the staff and teachers choose their favorite to write about as well!

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